Yinglee is pleased with the song "Caffeine", which has over 10 million views, plus product reviews. The presenter enters

Last updated: 28 Oct 2022  |  892 Views  | 

Yinglee is pleased with the song "Caffeine", which has over 10 million views, plus product reviews. The presenter enters

Come back with dignity for "Yinglee Srijumphon", the owner of the hit song. "Please exchange my phone number" that today came back with a new song "Caffeine" that was released the first day was hit by a bully, what song? But after that it became a viral trend in society. TikTok danced to this song for fun. Until now, there are more than 100,000 clips of TikTok dancing to caffeine songs, not only that, the number of views on YouTube in just one month has exceeded 10 million views. There are also products reserved for Ying Lee to review 5 more products, such as Inthanin Coffee Shop, Yod Rak Coffee, Baoji Shoes, Kara Cream and Magnetic Pants, and also received 2 more presenters that are currently filming. Whisper is a brand that everyone knows well. And on top of that, the hiring concerts hit almost every night. Especially the pub bar It's called getting every door property ever.

Yinglee Srijumpol said, “Ying Lee is very pleased, like coming back again. The old atmosphere when the song asked for her heart to exchange phone numbers. Finish this job and continue with that job. TV interviews on all channels Tired but fun This time, the caffeine trend was very strong. Thank you fans, celebrities, TV presenters, radio broadcasters who helped promote the song. Caffeine for Ying Lee. Thank you for the product, the audience on YouTube and the brand that calls Ying Lee as a presenter. It was like being born again. And most importantly, this year, Ying Lee has a concert at the 12th BIG MOUNTAIN event that will be held soon as well.”

>> Product reviews





>> Watch the fun MV and dance to the song "Caffeine" from "Yinglee Srijumphon"
