“Sathien, Tummue”, a country man in a corner of the building Come to ask about the feelings of the people in the Northeast, It's a little bit at home. " Missing from people far away from home

Last updated: 27 Oct 2022  |  1191 Views  | 

“Sathien, Tummue”, a country man in a corner of the building Come to ask about the feelings of the people in the Northeast, It's a little bit at home. " Missing from people far away from home

Grassroots artist with hit songs "When it hurts, call me" Sathien Tummue , an artist, FOLK for Life (Isaan). He returned to leave a beautiful tone. with a deep melody and a lover's guitar to the fans once again After being away for 2 years With a new single called "Dok Chan never blooms in this town", a slow song with good content plus an acoustic guitar instrument. that conveys the meaning of being a FOLK music

The song will talk about the representation of people from the provinces. who came to work and Living in the capital with dreams of a better life than at home But in the end, that dream didn't come true.

This music video focuses on the stories of the people involved. to reflect the necessity of Isan people in general I have to be far from home because I come to work in the capital to bring money back to my parents at home. Song Dok Jan has never bloomed in this city. It is said that "Dok Jan" is a flower that is a symbol of Isan people. will bloom and bloom in winter The season that makes many people miss home. and need encouragement to live in a different country And this song also has "Nek Narupon" (the owner of the song Cheek Sa Fah), an artist joins the camp. to convey the story to match the content of the song as well

Song: Dok Jan has never bloomed in this city, how can there be content that speaks to and matches the feelings of the people of the Isan region?

Watch this music video together on October 31st on the YouTube Grammy. Gold at 18:00

Song Dok Chan never bloomed in this city.

Composer Lyricist: Pongsak Thanomjai
Edited by Banjong Wiangphon