Monkhan top form "Nang Ai Khong Ay" surpassed 11 million views, trending #hot songs continuously

Last updated: 2 Nov 2022  |  1217 Views  | 

Monkhan top form "Nang Ai Khong Ay" surpassed 11 million views, trending #hot songs continuously

release music video "Nang Ai Khong Ai" of the most vocal servant "Monk Khan Kaen Koon" has been less than a month and the view has now reached over 11 million views. And still trending #hot music on YouTube continuously for a long time until now. It can be said that it was strong from the start until this minute for "Nang Ai's Ai", a song from the album. "Ma Der Fan Oey", which is considered a great encouragement for Kanchan. Because now they go to concerts where fans want to sing this song live many times.

Monkhan Kaenkun revealed, “Thank you very much for all your watching and listening to music. "Ms. Ai's Ai" thank you on behalf of all the team behind the scenes. It is considered the most encouraging for all working people. Now when it comes to concerts, fans can sing along. I am very impressed. I would like to leave a song "Nang Ai Khong Ai" as well as other songs in the album. "Made my dream," whether it's a song It's an honor to many, Nie Mong and Come Der Fun too. You can follow on the YouTube channel "Grammy Gold Official". You can get every song of Mon Khaen. Many thanks."

Music video "Ms. Ai's Ai"