“P-HOT - NESYUD - WONDERFRAME” invites a gang of artists from various camps to end “JATUJAK STREET CONCERT 6 Nov!

Last updated: 4 Nov 2022  |  985 Views  | 

“P-HOT - NESYUD - WONDERFRAME” invites a gang of artists from various camps to end “JATUJAK STREET CONCERT 6 Nov!

Open the charity concert stage to create fun for the fans throughout the 3 weeks for "JATUJAK STREET CONCERT" I must say that this event received better response than expected. Because the fans of the artists came to cheer and join in the fun at this event. For the past 3 weeks, the organizers have served fun continuously. by bringing an army of artists from various camps, more than 40 lives, alternating with each other to create 

The atmosphere in the evening of Chatuchak Market is bustling. Moreover, this activity can also attract more tourists to Chatuchak Weekend Market. Plus many people who attended the event did not miss it. To help donate money for this charity event because every baht, every satang, the organizer of the camp BEB or B Entertainment BEAT will bring the money. to Thammasat University Hospital To continue to support medical equipment and tools    

Recently, “JATUJAK STREET CONCERT” arrived last week, BEB camp would like to organize a full event, bringing a large team of artists such as DJ STAYGOLD, SIXSUMMERS AUDIO, artists from HIGH CLOUD ENTERTAINMENT, WONDERFRAME, P-HOT, NESYUD and KOBFLATBOY to serve beautiful music. With many special shows for fans to enjoy to the fullest! 

“JATUJAK STREET CONCERT” last week. See you on Sunday, November 6, from 15.00 onwards at Chatuchak Weekend Market. At the entrance of Gate 1, White Tent (next to Chatuchak Market office) I can tell you that you missed it. 

Follow the details of the event "JATUJAK STREET CONCERT" via Facebook: B Entertainment BEAT